Häsch TWINT?
If your answer is “yes” you are one out of five million users who can pay for everything, everywhere only by using their smartphones. Regardless of whether you want to pay at the cash register in a supermarket, in an online shop, on public transport, when parking, or transferring money to your friends.
Today, many of us can no longer imagine everyday life without the mobile payment app TWINT. But back then, in 2017, it was a revolution and convincing people to use the app was a challenge. However, after we built a new UX foundation for TWINT, the success story took off.
active users
transactions in 2023
coverage of Swiss retail

Breaking old habits
Launched in 2015, TWINT was Switzerland's first digital wallet. Although the new mobile app was promising and was downloaded many times shortly after its market entry, only a few first-time users could be successfully transferred into loyal customers. There were a couple of reasons for that.
Firstly, Switzerland was not familiar with the new way of paying. And secondly, TWINT’s features and added value were not tangible. Understanding, navigating, and using the app simply took too much effort.

Easy, fast, captivating
Using TWINT is not only as simple and fast as paying with cash, but its new features are captivating people and turning them into "digital-first" customers whenever and wherever they have the chance to pay with TWINT. To ensure that the latest features, such as peer-to-peer payments or the new savings opportunities thanks to an integrated couponing system, are easily accessible and easy to use, we restructured and redesigned the mobile app with a focus on:
- the home screen → making it SIMPLE
- the payment process → making it FAST
- the product identification → making it CAPTIVATING
“Ginetta's solution was completely new, extremely user-friendly and clearly met our business goals.”
Removing barriers from the start
We restructured the start screen to give the users quick access to key features. Since nothing should distract from the task at hand, we have moved the advertising for coupons to a clearly marked area at the top. Clickable tiles in the middle of the screen take the user directly to the payment or transfer process.
Easier for first-time users
There are several ways to pay with TWINT. One of them is automatic payment as soon as the user opens the app and the smartphone is close enough to the beacon, e.g. at the supermarket checkout. Because this has often caused confusion, we have introduced the placebo button for first-time users, guiding them through the entire process step by step – or better let's say screen by screen ;-)

Loyalty and identification
To be successful in the long term, TWINT must not only be a better alternative to card or cash payments but also create strong customer loyalty and identification. In addition to better usability, we, therefore, focused on the integration of push notifications, more personalization, and gamification.
“The vision was to make TWINT more than just a user-friendly mobile payment solution”

11,000,000 transactions per month
Shortly after its relaunch, TWINT clinched the No. 1 spot in the mobile payment market in Switzerland. Thanks to new investors, they were able to acquire their biggest competitor Paymit and continue to grow rapidly. By restructuring and improving the information architecture, and highlighting the most important features, the app navigation became more intuitive. We helped make TWINT an attractive alternative to cards or cash. 11,000,000 transactions per month leave no doubt that mobile payment with TWINT has become a habit for many people.
Project facts
Finance & Banking
Mobile Application
6 Sprints
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UX Design

UX Design

UX Design